Voice Carry-Over (VCO) is the perfect solution for you if you like to talk and read your phone calls.  This service is designed for the people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

When the other party speaks to you, the Communications Assistant serves as your “ears” and types all the spoken words on your VCO phone or text telephone/teletypewriter (TTY).  Then you speak directly back to the other party.

This relay service is available in English-to-English and Spanish-to-Spanish.

How Does VCO Relay Work?

It’s easy!

Just dial 711 (or 877-366-8600) on your VCO phone or text telephone/teletypewriter (TTY).  The Communications Assistant will answer with “Relay North Dakota”.

Provide the area code and telephone number you wish to call and say “Go Ahead”.  The Communications Assistant will dial the number and connect to the other party.

  • 1

    You speak to the other party. Say “Go Ahead” (“GA”) at end of each message. The “GA” indicates that it is the other party’s turn to respond.

  • 2

    The other party listens and speaks. The other party says “Go Ahead” (“GA”) to indicate that it is your turn to respond. 

  • 3

    The Communications Assistant then types the other party’s spoken message to you.

  • 4

    You read the other party’s words on your VCO phone or text telephone/teletypewriter (TTY).

Other VCO Features

The Communications Assistants specialize in the different types of VCO calls listed here. Please specify the VCO call type you would like to the Communications Assistant.


The Communications Assistant types what you, the VCO user, says to the TTY user.  The TTY user types directly to your VCO phone.


The Communications Assistant serves as “ears” for both VCO users by typing what is said to both VCO phones and/or text telephone/teletypewriters (TTYs).

Two-Line VCO

Two-line VCO allows you, the VCO user, to use one telephone line for speaking directly to a standard phone user, and another telephone line to receive the other party’s typed responses.  This feature provides a more natural flow of conversation and eliminates the need to say “Go Ahead” (“GA”).


The VCO-HCO relay service is not available. However, the HCO user and VCO user could simply call each other directly on their own TTY’s. The VCO user would speak directly to the HCO user and the HCO user would type to the VCO user.

Relay North Dakota Customer Profile

The Relay North Dakota Customer Profile allows consumers to list their preferences for calls, such as:

  • Frequently dialed numbers
  • Emergency numbers
  • Preferred gender of operator
  • Announcing relay service

As a consumer, you have flexibility in updating your preferences at any time. Click here to learn how to set up your Customer Profile.